A Positive Climate

A deep dive with plenty of oxygen in tank

This podcast has been perfect for a novice on renewable energy like me. Even though each episode is a deep dive into a specific area, the expertise that these guys have is dealt with so calmly and accessibly—I don’t feel talked down to or alienated by jargon. They’re not alarmist in tone either, which is refreshing. Rather than feeling ashamed by my lack of action or angry at the world’s complacency, listening to these makes me motivated to do what I can to reduce my footprint and optimistic about the direction that many initiatives are heading. Sure it’s not all sunshine and roses, but geez it’s nice to hear about some of the good that’s being done to tackle the climate crisis out there. Love the rapport Alex and Nick have with each other and their guests to. It’s a deep dive on climate with plenty of oxygen in the tank to keep things cool.

July 27, 2022 by pageypageypagey on Apple Podcasts

A Positive Climate